Who can you expect to see after having your baby
Once you get home, there can be some anxiety about the unknown but aftercare is available from:
- Your Midwife – who will see you through your first 10 days but also has a responsibility to you for up to 28 days after the birth
- Your Health Visitor usually stays actively involved until baby is around 4 months old but is available to parents as a point of call until the child goes to school. She can also do home visits if parents find it difficult to access clinics due to mental health issues. Parents are able to contact them if they are concerned about their mental health or that of their partner or if they have concerns about any aspect of their child’s development.
- Your GP is there throughout – for any concern
Parents are often worried about discussing their feelings or concerns about their mental health with a professional for fear of being judged as failing or not coping. This can lead to the fear that their children may be taken away. It is therefore important to emphasise that this is usually not the case and professionals work together with the family to support them staying together and staying as a family unit. It is usually in the best interest of both the child and the mother to stay together.